With the latest technology, you can eradicate germs, viruses, and dirt, protecting against disease spread and improving cleanliness throughout your facility.
Hard-to-reach surfaces harbor dust and germs, increasing the risk for disease spread and grime build-up. We utilize Electrostatic Spraying and Fogging Disinfection to vaporize disinfectants and sanitize every surface.
What is Electrostatic Spraying?
Electrostatic Spraying (also know as Electrostatic Cleaning or Electrostatic Disinfection) is a touchless application of chemicals using a cordless handheld machine to efficiently and evenly coat surfaces with a disinfecting solution.
It uses molecular chemistry to distribute disinfectants evenly, creating 360-degrees of coverage on applied surfaces. This method reduces contamination risks and prevents disinfectant drip.
Germs thrive in hard-to-clean environments. Electrostatic Spraying eliminates germs in areas where contaminants would otherwise survive, disrupting mold or bacterial outbreak colonies.
What is Fogging Disinfection?
Fogging Disinfection releases an even stream of sanitizing droplets into cubic volumes of air in your facilities. These droplets settle into the ubiquitous and unseen cracks and crannies that harbor bacteria and viruses.
Chargeless molecules are emitted from a specialized corded backpack application machine. The larger particle sizes efficiently disperse disinfectant solution which reduces allergens and kills disease-causing germs
Fogging Disinfection goes where your staff can’t, covering all the places rarely cleaned by hand, such as the hard-to-reach places in large warehouses or storage facilities.
What are the benefits of these disinfection methods?
- Covers 360-degrees of applied surfaces
- Reduces the risk of cross contamination from touch application processes
- Allows for disinfectants to hold cationic charge, preventing dripping
- Distributes evenly and allows for required disinfectant dwell times
- Reaches hard-to-reach surfaces and spaces to eliminate germs missed by standard spraying and wiping
- Uses on average 65% less chemicals per sq ft than standard cleaning
For more info and to request a free quote, call 01236 470114 or click here to send us a message